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Running Otter plan from Romp Install command line

  • I am using Romp Command line to install a package. The code in my Otter plan is as follows:
    Execute-Powershell Write-Output "Hello World!"
    LogOutput: true,
    Debug: true,
    Verbose: true,
    RunOnSimulation: true,
    Isolated: false

    when I run romp install on the package, I see momentarily that it says it is executing, and then almost immediately it replaces that with "Job #X completed successfully". Any output that I have via PowerShell or from a SQL*Plus script I want to be retained after the package is installed, for verification purposes.

    When running romp through command line, how do I get the output from scripts in the Otter plan to be retained after the install completes?
    Alternatively, can I define a log file that will keep this? Please provide code snippets.

  • inedo-engineer

    Job logs are stored in a SQLite database; generally only errors are output to the console directly. To view a complete log, you can execute the romp jobs logs command.

    Hope this helps!

  • @gdivis Thank you! Romp jobs logs is just what I was after.
    Is there any way I can make this output automatic after the installation has finished?

    I considered coding this into my install.otter, but it seems that romp jobs logs only runs for the last completed job, so it would not be viable here.

  • inedo-engineer

    I'll see if we can get a new version built that includes an option to output the full log to the console after a job completes. In the meantime, you could call romp with a simple batch script like:

    romp install %1
    romp jobs logs

    Then invoke it with: romp.bat <packageName>

    Let me know if that's helpful!

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