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Variable in list limit to 50 characters :(
I meet some problem with variables length in BuildMaster.
It is limited to 50 characters. Could you expand it if it is possible ?Test Case :
OK : %MYLIST=%(01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789: WORK)KO : %MYLIST=%(012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890: FAILED)
Please, don't ask me why I need somy many characters. I need to replace variables in a web.config and the dev team like to have very long and explicit variable .
All "names" are, unfortunately, limited to 50 characters; we thought this was "more than enough", and it's a common limitation in a lot of programming languages.
This is not something feasible to change for a lot of reasons (consistency across all products, database columns, UI validation, etc)...
Thanks for the fast answer.
I will tell my people to reduce the varable length