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Legacy Build Triggers
I just wanted to make a post to express that I think it is a shame to see the Schedule Triggers functionality be officially deprecated. Although it is clear that the feature is rooted in legacy code, what with its use of VariableDeclarations, it still provides unique functionality that cannot be easily replaced with webhooks or repository monitors. With the ability to trigger plans on a cron-like schedule, my team has been able to setup regularly recurring jobs to perform things such as nightly cleanups of the build servers and turning off virtual machines in the cloud when not in use.
I realize that just because a feature has become legacy doesn't mean my team can't use it and I also realize that my usecase for this feature is against its original purpose but I think with a bit of refactoring the idea of scheduled tasks would be a great stand alone feature for BuildMaster.
I also wanted to post this to see if there were any other users who were using this feature to run scheduled jobs.
Product: BuildMaster
Version: 6.1.0
Thanks Josh; I'll make sure we discuss this as a team and respond soon!
We definitely won't remove them (especially w/o a replacement), because this functionality is important. We just want to make sure we understand more usecases that are related specifically to build/deploy scenarios as opposed to general-purpose jobs, and make sure we support those really well.
We use Schedule Triggers for a variety of jobs - some system level (cleanup, etc) but also to run recurring deployments for a variety of development and testing purposes. They are an important part of our day to day operations.
I'd be happy to provide more information about our use-cases if it would help.
Just as a quick update, this was added to our roadmap as an item we will be including. It'll be implemented likely using the same mechanisms as the Repository Monitors, so it gives a lot more flexibility with regards to what it can do (create builds, create releases, etc), and also uses cron-syntax for scheduling so you have even more flexibility.
No ETA, but I've added this post to the project plan so that we will upate it once it gets started.