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Targeting an Orchestration Job to an Environment or Plan - am I missing something?

  • I have been evaluating Otter recently, but am coming up against a problem. To simplify it to its basic level, I don't think assigned Roles are being correctly determined when running Plans, which is having a knock-on effect on determining which Server is in scope when using Plans that target a Role or Envrionment.

    In my evaluation environment, I have a Role, DatabaseServer, and a small Environment hierarchy which represents an application:

    • App
      • App Live
      • App SIT
      • App UAT

    So far, I have defined a Server Server001, and assigned it to the App SIT environment and DatabaseServer role.

    I build an Orchestration Plan -- which, to simplify the problem, just logs various variables:

    Log-Information Current = $ToJson(%(Server: $ServerName,
                                        Environment: $EnvironmentName,
                                        Role: $RoleName,
                                        IsSimulation: $IsSimulation));
    Log-Information ServersIn = $ToJson(%(Env: @ServersInEnvironment(), 
                                          Role: @ServersInRole(), 
                                          RoleAndEnv: @ServersInRoleAndEnvironment()));
    Log-Information All = $ToJson(%(Envs: @AllEnvironments(), 
                                    Roles: @AllRoles(), 
                                    Servers: @AllServers()));

    From here, I use the tie(?) icon to create a number of jobs, each targeting in different ways:

    1. If I target Server001 specifically, the result seems to show the server and environment correctly, but not the role:

      Skipping collection run; execute only.
      Collection run succeeded.
      Beginning execution run...
      Current = {"ServerName":"Server001","Environment":"App SIT","Role":"","IsSimulation":"true"}
      ServersIn = {"Env":["Server001"],"Role":[],"RoleAndEnv":[]}
      All = {"Envs":["App","App Live","App SIT","App UAT"],"Roles":["DatabaseServer"],"Servers":["LOCALHOST","Server001"]}
      Cleaning up temporary files on Inedo Agent (v??, Server001:46336)...
      Execution run complete.
      Execution run succeeded.
    2. If I target the DatabaseServer role specifically, I don't get any matched server, environment or role:

      Skipping collection run; execute only.
      Collection run succeeded.
      Beginning execution run...
      Current = {"Server":"","Environment":"","Role":"","IsSimulation":"true"}
      ServersIn = {"Env":[],"Role":[],"RoleAndEnv":[]}
      All = {"Envs":["App","App Live","App SIT","App UAT"],"Roles":["DatabaseServer"],"Servers":["LOCALHOST","Server001"]}
      Execution run complete.
      Execution run succeeded.
    3. If I target the App SIT environment, the result shows the environment, but empty server and role values:

      Skipping collection run; execute only.
      Collection run succeeded.
      Beginning execution run...
      Current = {"Server":"","Environment":"App SIT","Role":"","IsSimulation":"true"}
      ServersIn = {"Env":[],"Role":[],"RoleAndEnv":[]}
      All = {"Envs":["App","App Live","App SIT","App UAT"],"Roles":["DatabaseServer"],"Servers":["LOCALHOST","Server001"]}
      Execution run complete.
      Execution run succeeded.
    4. If I target both the App SIT environment and the DatabaseServer role (by filling in both fields), I get the same as in #3.

    I believe this is causing my overall problem, where Jobs that apply Plans targeting Servers are successful, but those that target Roles and/or Environments are failing with This operation requires a valid server context. Use a "for server ..." block to set the server context., but I don't know how to resolve this. I thought I might have to use a Loop block to iterate over @ServersInRoleAndEnvironment, but this list variable appears to be empty in all the above cases, so I'm not sure where to go here.

    This seems (to me) like a fundamental thing that Otter should do for me, so I must be missing something obvious, but I just can't seem to reason about it.

    Product: Otter
    Version: 2.0.12

  • inedo-engineer

    Hi Jim,

    Apologies for the lack of response here, but I wanted to let you know that we had quite a bit of back-and-forth internally on this post and implemented nearly all of your expectations:

    1. you are absolutely correct about the variable context not behaving as expected, and
    2. the biggest problem was that the behavior of certain variables (particularly $RoleName) was undefined
    3. we've updated the docs to reflect the "new" behavior in the latest version (v2.1.0 at the time of this post): https://inedo.com/support/documentation/otter/core-concepts/jobs#orchestration-job-context
    4. we release v2.1.0 last night with these changes included

    Thank you again for the detailed report and reproduction steps.

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