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TFS Build push the Nuget package to proGet server

  • Hi,

    I setup my local private ProGet server . In TFS build I am using NuGet Publisher to push the package. I filled the internal feed url :http://nuget.xxxxxx.com/nuget/Dashboard/ In nuget arguments field I added "ApiKey Admin:Admin" and also tried with autogenerate api key but the build step couldn't authenticate with my proget server.

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 5.1.4

  • the error I am getting is "The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel."

  • This error message is coming from the NuGet client, and it's regrading your server's SSL configuration. Unfortunately I don't have enough information about your server or network configuration to tell you how to begin troubleshooting, but if you search that error, you can find lots of tips on how to ensure you have certificates set-up properly, etc.

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