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5.1.3 Upgrade Issue

  • Upgrading from 5.0.8 to 5.1.3 using the offline installer and receive the following snippet in the error log:
    Information: Updating database schema...
    Debug: Launching process "C:\Users\myname\AppData\Local\Temp\5\ProGetSetup\SqlScripts\dbupdater.exe" update . "Data Source=myserver; Initial Catalog=ProGet; Integrated Security=True;"...
    Debug: Database uses old change script schema; upgrading...
    Error: Script DDL-DML\0212. 5.1.3\More asset hashes.sql is missing a legacy ID.
    Debug: C:\Program Files\ProGet\WebApp restored.
    Debug: C:\Program Files\ProGet\Service restored.
    Debug: Starting service INEDOPROGETSVC...
    Debug: INEDOPROGETSVC service started.
    Error: System.InvalidOperationException: C:\Users\myname\AppData\Local\Temp\5\ProGetSetup\SqlScripts\dbupdater.exe returned exit code -1
    at Inedo.Installer.Subtasks.RunProcessSubtask.Run()
    at Inedo.Installer.InstallationTask1.RunSubtask(InstallationSubtask subtask) at Inedo.ProGet.Setup.InstallProGetTask.UpdateDatabaseSchema() at Inedo.ProGet.Setup.InstallProGetTask.Upgrade(Version oldVersion) at Inedo.Installer.InstallationTask1.Inedo.Installer.IInstallationTask.RunInternal()

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 5.1.3

  • Same error here:

         ** Update Database Schema **
      ** Execute dbupdater.exe update . "$DbConnectionString" in $WorkingDirectory **
       DEBUG: Process: C:\Program Files\ProGet\SqlScripts\dbupdater.exe
       DEBUG: Arguments: update . "Data Source=db01;Initial Catalog=ProGet;Integrated Security=True"
       DEBUG: Working directory: C:\Program Files\ProGet\SqlScripts
       DEBUG: Ensuring that C:\Program Files\ProGet\SqlScripts exists...
        INFO: Executing C:\Program Files\ProGet\SqlScripts\dbupdater.exe...
        INFO: Database uses old change script schema; upgrading...
       ERROR: Script DDL-DML\0212. 5.1.3\More asset hashes.sql is missing a legacy ID.
       ERROR: Process exited with code: -1 (failure)

  • We'll publish a new installer today that will fix this; I believe you can work around this by upgrading to 5.1.2 first, then 5.1.3. The issue is the database schema change combined with the schema tracking table update happening in the same release.

  • The new installers for 5.1.3 have been deployed, so if you re-download you should no longer have this issue.

  • Now we got a new error:

    ** Update Database Schema **
      ** Execute dbupdater.exe update . "$DbConnectionString" in $WorkingDirectory **
       DEBUG: Process: C:\Program Files\ProGet\SqlScripts\dbupdater.exe
       DEBUG: Arguments: update . "Data Source=db01;Initial Catalog=ProGet;Integrated Security=True"
       DEBUG: Working directory: C:\Program Files\ProGet\SqlScripts
       DEBUG: Ensuring that C:\Program Files\ProGet\SqlScripts exists...
        INFO: Executing C:\Program Files\ProGet\SqlScripts\dbupdater.exe...
        INFO: Database uses old change script schema; upgrading...
       ERROR: Unhandled Exception: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Bei der Konvertierung eines varchar-Datentyps in einen datetime-Datentyp liegt der Wert außerhalb des gültigen Bereichs.
       ERROR: Die Anweisung wurde beendet.
       ERROR:    at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction)

  • I have created a new Database to compare changes.

    It looks like i have an old database with the [__BuildMaster_DbSchemaChanges] table.

    if i create a new DB i get a [__BuildMaster_DbSchemaChanges2] table. tried 5.0.6, 5.0.12 and 5.0.13.

  • I've done more tests. So it looks like a problem with our sql server.

    It is not working on 11.0.7462.6 German, but upgrade was successful on 12.0.5214.6 English.

  • Thanks for the additional troubleshooting. I suspect this is due to the way we are migrating dates from the old table to the new. I've created an issue to track this here. (It may not be publicly accessible yet, it's a new project and the permissions may not have propagated)

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