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Push error
I'm attempting to push a windows container images to my ProGet repository. But i always have this error : error parsing HTTP 400 response body: unexpected end of JSON input: "".
My docker client ask me to do this command line to add a image to repository :
"docker push feeds.abc.com/docker/<repository>:<tag>". So i tagged my image like this feeds.abc.com:443/docker/test:latest and it does not work. I just want to know what may me the issue linked. I have been struggling with this for 4 weeks.
ThanksProduct: ProGet
Version: 5.0.13
Hello Telly,
Is your Docker feed named
in ProGet? I get this error when I try to push to a feed that doesn't exist in my local ProGet instance.
The docker feed has the correct name. How did you solve the problem form your side ?
When I view the data being sent between ProGet and the Docker client, there's a HEAD request that would normally return this body:
{"errors":[{"code":"UNKNOWN","message":"Could not resolve ProGet feed \"docker\". Docker repository names in ProGet must include the feed as a prefix. Example: MyFeed/library/ubuntu","detail":[]}]}
However, because it's a HEAD request, Docker doesn't receive any body.
Update: I've filed this bug with Docker: https://github.com/docker/distribution/issues/2649