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ReSharper Extensions Manager using internal feed
I am trying to use the ReSharper extensions manager with the internal feed we have (ProGet 5.0.13, latest as of this post) and it just spins indefinitely and never loads.
I tested with the official NuGet URLs and it works just fine when I use https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json, but not with https://www.nuget.org/api/v2/.
This leads me to think that the feed needs to be v3 (although it's hard to confirm because JetBrains doesn't have any info in their doc about this). Does the latest ProGet support "v3" type feeds?
Can you verify on your end if ReSharper Extensions Manager is supposed to work with ProGet?
Product: BuildMaster
Version: 6.0.6
I'm sorry, I forgot to change the product in the form. Can't edit it, so I'll just repeat it so that it's clear: this is regarding ProGet 5.0.13.
We don't test with this, but I looked at the website...
... and it appears to be a clone of NuGet gallery. As such, it seems you can use this URL:
Thanks for the answer. But what if our goal is to use an internal package as a plugin? That URL is only for the public feed.
I see, so you're saying that that the ReSharper client appears to not work with a ODATA/v2 API? In this case, this is most certainly a bug or a misconfiguration and you should share/communicate it to JetBrains.
There is virtually no support in commercial or open source private repositories for JSONLD/v3. While it's on our roadmap to implement, it wouldn't come until late this year... and obviously it would require upgrading your PRoGet server software, which many organizations don't like doing for at least 6/12 months after a release (especially for something like ProGet).
So, this would effectively makes ReSharper unusable for private extensions.
Understood, thanks for the explanation! So this is an issue on the Jetbrains end. We will definitely contact them and see the course of action that's available.
Thanks again!