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Package name included semver 2.0 metadata in title

  • Hello, i'm using Nuget feed type and i'm uploading packages using semver 2.0 version format. My version format is: 1.0.0-prerelease+hashofcomit. In nuspec file -<version>1.0.0-prerelease+hashofcomit</version>
    I've noticed that in some UI part package name contains semver 2.0 metadata part (after plus sign) and somewhere does not.

    1. Packages page. Latest uploaded package does not contain metadata (just 1.0.0-prerelease), but when you click on that package, on package page in title I see full package name with full version including metadata. On package page when i click on 'All versions' tab, my package is listed there, but without metadata appendix.
    2. Feeds page. I select feed with my uploaded package, and then i see package list with all packages in this feed. My package is listed with name including full version with metadata.

    I think metadata of package shouldn't be shown on UI, it's part of nuspec only.

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 5.0.12

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  • inedo-engineer

    Hello Timofey,

    I've filed PG-1280 to hide the build metadata from NuGet version numbers when they are displayed in titles.

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