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Pre-Release Versioning with PowerShell modules to PowerShell Feed

  • When setting my module manifest as per the documentation here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/gallery/psget/module/prereleasemodule and I publish to my feed, the version still shows only as the numeric value as a "new release" instead of as a pre-release version. Is there something else I need to do with the manifest file to get this to work or is it something that is not supported in ProGet?

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 5.0.10

  • There is no additional ProGet configuration.

    Do note that PowerShell packages are actually NuGet packages behind the scenes, so you can always construct them and inspect them to make sure the manifest is being generated correctly before it's pushed to ProGet.

    Howeveer, also note that ProGet support uses SemVer2, which is slightly different, so makes ure you are following conventions that are compatible with both.

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