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Proget returns 403 when override rights not allowed. Can this be appended with message or perhaps other response code

  • Our buildserver tries to upload new packages to Proget at every build.
    If the package already exists with same version then the server responds with http code 403.
    In the past it contained a message, so this is a bit more to the standard.
    The issue is that it is very hard to know why you get 403 from the proget server.
    We know that the buildserver cannot overwrite packages so 403 is not an issue if it was ONLY about overwriting packages rights, and we will allow the job to succeed.
    But you also get 403 if you have faulty credentials and for that the buildjob MUST fail.
    We think that it should be much more explicit why we get 403 as response from proget so we are able to implement different methods for handleling the response.

    It could be as simple as to describe in the body what went wrong or maybe choosing other code - albeit i can appreciate that 403 describes the scenario but in too broad terms.

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 5.0.10

  • inedo-engineer

    Hello Thomas,

    ProGet's NuGet feed error messages for duplicate package versions look like this:

    The package ExamplePackage.1.0.0 already exists and the user ExampleUser does not have the Feeds_OverwritePackage privilege. If you are trying to push a symbol package, note that ProGet only requires the symbol package to be pushed; there is no need for a package with no symbols. See http://inedo.com/support/kb/1036/using-progets-symbol-server for more information.

    However, the current version of the command line NuGet client does not display error message bodies in any easy-to-access place. I've filed PG-1249 to replace the status code descriptions with some custom phrases. For example, 403 Forbidden will now be 403 Package Already Exists for this type of error.

  • Hi Ben.
    Thank you for the clarification of the problem scope.
    Look forward to the fix.

    Thank you for the quick response, much appreciated +1

    Inedo has excellent support and reacts promptly.

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