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Replace Text in File with Regex not working

  • I've got the following:

            Include: clist.txt,
            Directory: $filePath,
            SearchText: ^IDString=.+$,
            ReplaceWith: IDString=$newVal,
            Regex: true

    While I get no errors the file is not getting updated. I've tried several variations on the regex without success.

    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 5.8.3

  • With the ^ and $, that would mean the entire contents of the file must be IDString=whatever, is that the case here? If there is anything before or after that text it would never match.

  • Tod,
    understood. I did misuse that part, however, it does not like the .+ part even by itself.
    What I am trying to do is allow for a line that could have any character type after the = sign. I'm just doing a lazy way of going thru an INI file that does not have any dupe key names.


  • I'm not really a RegEx expert, but what you're describing should work. Without seeing the input, it's difficult to say.

    I use http://regexstorm.net/tester to test it every now and then, since we use the .NET RegEx engine, so it might be helpful to make a test case in there first.

    FYI: you can see exactly how the code uses regex, it's quite simple: https://github.com/Inedo/inedox-inedocore/blob/master/InedoCore/Common/Operations/Files/ReplaceFileTextOperation.cs

    Can you share something that appears to work on RegExStorm , but not in the OtterScript plan? And then share the OtterScript plan?

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