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Does BuildMaster support Azure SQL Databases?

  • I tried to initialize an Azure SQL Database using BuildMaster and I get the following:

    "There was an error connecting to the database: There is no row at position 0."

    When I tested the connection it gave a success message so I assumed I could initialize the database.

    However, when I look at the database I see a table named __BuildMaster_DbSchemaChanges with a single record. The values are:

    Numeric_Release_Number Script_Id Script_Sequence Batch_Name Executed_Date Success_Indicator
    0 0 1 CREATE TABLE __BuildMaster_DbSchemaChanges 2013-08-07 21:07:57.743 Y

    Are Azure SQL Databases officially supported?

  • Yes, Azure SQL Databases are supported for use in Database Connections; however, there was an error in the initialization routine. This has been fixed and published in the new Windows Extension (3.12); just download that, and you should be able to initialize.

  • Wow! Talk about agile, thank you for the quick turn around.

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