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Symbol Server - Download PDB but not Source Files

  • Hi,

    I am requesting for a feature that allows for symbols packages to be downloaded and include the PDB but not include the source file. The reason is, I want to be able to allow my developers to have the symbols for debugging, but don't want to bog their machines down with full source code of all internal dependencies, especially when they jump around a lot of projects that are dependent on internal packages.

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 5.0.7

  • We have the same scenario. I want the pdbs to be part of the Nuget package, next to the .dll since I want the source code line number when logging the exception StackTrace.

    I rather not have the source code though. We have several nuget packages, and that would fill up the developer's disk very quickly.

  • I like it, good idea.

    I've put in a feature request for it, PG-1213 - so if it's possible to do it easily and in a mainteance release well do it! Stay tuned.

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