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Show Groups from Universal Packages in UI

  • Hi,

    i am happy with the new feature to browse and download the package content.

    But next what i miss, is something in the UI. With Universal Packages it is possible to Group your Packages. But the groups will be not displayed in the UI and i can not filter for that. Is there any plan to add UI logic for that?


    Product: ProGet
    Version: 5.0.6

  • We'd definitely like to improve the UI; currently the groups are displayed by {GroupName}/{PackageName}.

    We had considered doing a sort of "hierarchical" view on the feed page, but didn't get very far in the design process. Any suggestions? Keeping in mind, not everyone uses groups...

    As for searching, definitely open to ideas on that too!

  • We have something similar in our product, basically virtual groups. For anything not in a group it is just considered to be part of the top level group.
    As to searching, I would think searching would primarily be on the package name since you would allow the UI to show only groups I doubt anyone would ever need to search on a group name.

  • Add my plus-1 to sorting or searching or filtering by groupname in the UI.

    As best I can remember, groupname is required by the upload process; at least, i remember it being required by the Jenkins plugin. Maybe i'm wrong/misremembering. But it does make sense for our use case to be able to divide feednames by groups. So it'd be great to have that functionality in the UI.

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