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Drop Path Error

  • I'm been using proget for several years now and v4.8.9 is having issues with Drop Path.

    The first problem was that the files were uploaded but not deleted. Thus proget was trying to re-upload but got an error stating proget didn't have the Feeds_OverwritePackage permission. So, I enabled Feeds.AllowDropPathImportOverwrite but now I'm getting the following errors:

    Logged: 12/11/2017 6:36:21 PM
    Level: Warning
    Category: DropPathMonitor
    Message: Error installing package: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: destination
    Details: none

    Another posted suggested that the Storage.PackagesRootPath, Disk Path or the Drop Path was set, which they are:

    Storage.PackagesRootPath: C:\ProgramData\ProGet\Packages
    Disk Path: C:\ProgramData\ProGet\Packages\.nugetv2\F10
    Drop Path: C:\ProGet-Drop\EmpowerCoreDev

    Any suggestions?

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 4.8.9

  • inedo-engineer

    Hello Tristen,

    Are you using a custom package store, such as AWS or Azure, or are the files stored in the default (local filesystem) package store?

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