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Deployment log showing wrong time from X-ProGet-Deployment-Date header

  • I've written a program to download packages from out Proget server. I have the application passing the X-ProGet headers that were documented here: https://inedo.com/support/questions/6944.

    I'm passing the date in ISO 8601 format. However, when I look at the package deployment log the time is wrong. It is 5 hours behind the actual time.

    I've tried passing the time as UTC and Local, that has no affect.

    If you provide me with an email address I can send you some screen shots of what I'm seeing.

    Here are the last two entries from the package deployment log:

    AutoUpdaterTest	SPMYS-M93-WIN7 on 12/5/2017 11:57 AM by BNHQ\spmys
    AutoUpdaterTest	SPMYS-M93-WIN7 on 12/5/2017 11:59 AM by BNHQ\spmys

    Here are the headers that correspond to each log entry:

    GET http://awwtng01.hq.bn-corp.com:81/nuget/goobers/package/ScribeUI/3.2.127 HTTP/1.1
    user-agent: NuGet Client V3/4.4.0 (Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1)
    X-NuGet-Client-Version: 4.4.0
    Accept-Language: en-US
    X-ProGet-Deployment-Application: AutoUpdaterTest
    X-ProGet-Deployment-UserName: BNHQ\spmys
    X-ProGet-Deployment-Target: SPMYS-M93-WIN7
    X-ProGet-Deployment-Date: 2017-12-05T16:57:47.4391346-05:00
    Host: awwtng01.hq.bn-corp.com:81
    Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
    GET http://awwtng01.hq.bn-corp.com:81/nuget/goobers/package/ScribeUI/3.2.127 HTTP/1.1
    user-agent: NuGet Client V3/4.4.0 (Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1)
    X-NuGet-Client-Version: 4.4.0
    Accept-Language: en-US
    X-ProGet-Deployment-Application: AutoUpdaterTest
    X-ProGet-Deployment-UserName: BNHQ\spmys
    X-ProGet-Deployment-Target: SPMYS-M93-WIN7
    X-ProGet-Deployment-Date: 2017-12-05T21:59:42.4141346Z
    Host: awwtng01.hq.bn-corp.com:81
    Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate

    Why is the timestamp wrong? Any suggestions on how to get the correct time to show?



    Product: ProGet
    Version: 4.7.6

  • I haven't verified the code, but I'm thinking it's a bug related to UTC vs Local time storage. So I filed it here: PG-1167

  • Alana, thank you for the update. I guess we can consider this closed until such time as we know otherwise.

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