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Unable to upload VSIX

  • I am trying to upload a vsix, but unable too due to various 401 issues.

    Tried powershell:

    Invoke-RestMethod -Uri http://srv-proget/vsix/[vsixapi] -Method Put -InFi
    le [vsix] -Headers @{"X-ApiKey"="[api key]"}

    Tried curl:

    curl -X POST http://srv-proget/vsix/[vsixapi] -H "x-apikey:[api key]" --data-binary @[vsix]

    I am an admin on the server. I have only been able to get it to post when specifying NO api key using postman. I am assuming it is somehow using my LDAP credentials. Our server is using Active Directory integration. How do we upload a vsix when our server is using LDAP?

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 4.8.9

  • inedo-engineer

    I presume you have "Integrated Windows Authentication" enabled. When this is the case, IIS will issue 401 before the request ever comes to ProGet.

    In this case, the client must support it. PowerShell does, but you must explicitly advise credential use with the "UseDefaultCredentials" flag.

       -Uri http://srv-proget/vsix/[vsixapi] 
       -Method Put 
       -InFile [vsix] 
       -Headers @{"X-ApiKey"="[api key]"} 

    I don't believe curl will support this.

  • That worked. Also, I did not need to specify the API key since the user uploading the vsix was a service account with permissions.

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