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About ProGet license filter?

    1. The license filter, Is it available already on NPM feeds?

    2. When I use license filter on NuGet feed, a lot of packages are shown as "unknown". Because I configured: “Unknown Licenses“ -block, I cannot download these packages, This result is what I want. But some of them are what we need and allow to use. So.. What should I do? Is there a configuration similar to whitelist?

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 4.8.7

    1. Yes, it's available.

    2. You will need to associate the licenses with a "known" license type that is allowed.

    Many NuGet packages ship with proprietary licenses, or licenses that point to "random" URLS (like GitHub.org/project-name/license.txt) instead of a "known" OSI URL. This is why they are considered "unknown" to ProGet.

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