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Uploading packages from jenkins to ProGet

  • i am trying to upload packages from jenkins to ProGet
    in Build step
    ProGet Package upload
    feed name- test (created in proget(Nuget feed))
    Groupname - what to give in group name(The help says ,The package you wish to upload your package to). But i didn't get that.
    Package name- i gave a new name to create.Is that the right thing?
    Version- i gave 1.0.0
    files to package - /**(all files)
    Its throwing an error.
    What exactly to give in those fields. I didn't find proper docs. Relevant answer would be helpful.


    Product: ProGet
    Version: 4.8.6

  • What is the error you're getting? I believe I recall someone having an issue using /** as the files to package instead of just **.

    The fields should match the values here: https://inedo.com/support/documentation/various/universal-packages/universal-feed-api

  • As an alternative choice you can use Powershell for this. Add a 'Windows Powershell' step (be sure to install that Jenkins plugin first):

    DIR -Recurse -File -Filter "*.nupkg" | @{
    & nuget.exe push $_.FullName -Source https://urltoyourproget/nuget/feedname

    You will also need to ensure you have the nuget.exe command line executable available to the Jenkins node running.

    Please note, I do not work for ProGet, I'm a fellow customer offering assistance.

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