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Unhandled exceptions in Linux Agent on Solaris

  • We are getting an unhandled exception from the Linux Agent when the remote host is Solaris. The same bash script and Buildmaster action works fine against a Linux host. Buildmaster 3.6.4 build 5, Linux agent

    Build 23 for Cusmod Cook Islands 0.0 (18/07/2013 8:20:50 a.m.)
    Action Group 6: Deploy Server
    Action 2: Execute /bin/bash (-c "./bin/cusmod-checkenv.sh %CUSMOD_ENV% %DATABASE_SERVER% %DATABASE_NAME% %WEBLINKS% create continue normal %IGNORE_CHECKENV_ERR% %CONFIG_VERSION%") in /appl/cusdev
    Initializing action...
    An unhandled exception occurred while executing this action: Renci.SshNet.Common.SftpPermissionDeniedException: Permission denied at Renci.SshNet.Sftp.SubsystemSession.WaitHandle(WaitHandle waitHandle, TimeSpan operationTimeout) at Renci.SshNet.Sftp.SftpSession.RequestMkDir(String path) at Renci.SshNet.SftpClient.CreateDirectory(String path) at Inedo.BuildMasterExtensions.Linux.Agents.SshAgent.CreateDirectory(String path) at Inedo.BuildMaster.Windows.ServiceApplication.SlimPlanActionExecuter.RemoteAction_InitializeRemoteConfiguration(Object sender, RemoteConfigurationEventArgs e) at Inedo.BuildMaster.Extensibility.Actions.RemoteActionBase.OnInitializeRemoteConfiguration(RemoteConfigurationEventArgs e) at Inedo.BuildMaster.Extensibility.Actions.RemoteActionBase.OnBeforeExecute(EventArgs e) at Inedo.BuildMaster.Extensibility.Actions.ActionBase.Execute(IActionCancellationToken cancellationToken, ExecutionContext context, ExtensionConfigurerBase extensionConfigurer, Boolean resumeNextOnError, Boolean logErrorsAsWarnings)

  • This is still a problem on Buildmaster 3.6.5 build 6.

  • This appears to be permissions related. Does the SSH account have permissions to create a directory in /appl/cusdev and in whatever /tmp directory is set up in the agent settings?

  • You are correct - I had a typo in the working directory !. This question can be closed.

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