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Deploy Package - only to the environment in context

  • Hi All,

    I am trying to create a release that coordinates the deployment of packages from multiple applications. I have created a global pipeline with a global plan. I plan to use the deploy-package function. When I select the ${EnvironmentName} as the from and to stages in the pipeline filter (to target a particular environment), the deployment does not ever recognise the environment as the furthest stage, even if it is. If i dont specify the to and from values, the plan wants to promote and deploy all un-deployed environments instead of the one i want.

    I would like to use the $EnvironmentName variable as i want to be able to use the same plan for all environments to ensure consistency.

    Is this achievable?



    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 5.7.1

  • The EnvironmentName variable function returns the name of the environment in context, so as long as pipeline target is targeting an environment, then it should resolve to that environment...

    note that the environment name and stage name can be different, although they are often the same.

    Can you share both the Plan JSON and OtterScript of the plan you're using? This will help to diagnose further. You may want to submit a ticket with this, since it might be asier to track back-and-forth.

  • Thanks Alana,

    [EDO-2856] has been raised.



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