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Multiple LDAP/AD support in ProGet

  • We need to support multiple LDAP/AD directories at the same time and it seems like the application has to use one user directory exclusively.

    It there anything that can be done right now to support multiple identity provider at the same time? If the support doesn’t exist right now, what can be done to add it?

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 4.7.13

  • This is somewhat supported with the current Active Directory Domain Forest directory provider, but of course that doesn't help if the LDAP directories are completely segregated.

    We are working on a new LDAP/AD directory provider that supports specifying a list of LDAP directories. We expect to be finalizing its release starting next week once BuildMaster v5.7 goes out at the end of this week. It will be applied to all 3 of our products shortly thereafter.

  • Hi, is there any news on the release date for that feature? Also, Is there a beta version avaialble that contains that feature so we can test if that new provider meets our needs?

    Thank you,

  • This is currently slated for ProGet 4.8-beta, which we expect to release in the next two weeks.

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