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Set windows environment variable

  • How do I set a windows environment variable from buildmaster?

    I assumed that a buildmaster variable would be accessible from a windows script in the same way that they are in Jenkins but this doesn't seem to be the case.

    I'm trying to set http_proxy=<proxy> and EnableNuGetPackageRestore=true to allow NuGet to download items on the build server.

  • The easiest way would be using the PowerShell action with the script:

    [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("EnvironmentVariableName", "%BUILDMASTER-VARIABLE%", "User")

    Where "User" means user-level environment variable (specifically for the user running the BuildMaster service). The other options for the 3rd argument are "Machine" and "Process".

  • That half worked, the environment variable has been set (I can log on to the server and echo the value) but if I try to use the environment variable from a script called by buildmaster then the no value is returned.

    Why can't I use this value from a script called by buildmaster?

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