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Reset SQL Change Script "Has run" Flag
The goal of this thread is twofold:
gain a better, holistic understanding of how "SQL Change Scripts" work in Buildmaster, especially with regard to scripts that have already been executed and scripts that fail (e.g., are failed scripts re-run?)
is there a way to tell Buildmaster to 'reset' the idea that a script has ran in an environment (whether successful or not), or does the script need to be completely recreated?
Product: BuildMaster
Version: 5.6.11
As of v5.6, the "SQL Change Scripts" feature is designed with these principles in mind: Database Changes Done Right.
- Run once and only once
- Impossible to be “un-run
In order to accomplish this, a metadata table is created in the database (__BuildMasterDbSchemaChanges2) to track which change scripts have already been run. Before running a script, this table is queried.
Regarding "resetting" the idea that a script is run, the best bet is to delete and re-add it from BuildMaster. You can also restore that particular database.