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Execute PowerShell Script parameters

  • I need to execute a power shell script that takes 2 parameters, the current directory and then the configuration name (Debug, Release). I am guessing that I can pass in $CurrentDirectory in some fashion. Here is how this script is executed as a pre-build step in Visual Studio:

    powershell -file "$(ProjectDir)Resources/tools/PreBuild.ps1" -projectDir "$(ProjectDir) " -buildType $(ConfigurationName)

    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 4.6.1

  • Hello Shane,

    You can add this as a script from Admin → Manage Scripts:

    param($projectDir, $buildType)
    powershell -file $projectDir/Resources/tools/PreBuild.ps1 -projectDir $projectDir -buildType $buildType

    Then, from the deployment plan, adding "Execute PowerShell Script" with that script will give you fields for the two parameters.

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