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Nuget packages

  • I attempting to setup a build that is a web application that has several nuget packages. I am getting failures on build that these DLL's are not found. How do I configure the build server to pull in the nuget packages?

    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 4.6.1

  • You can use the NuGet extension's Install Packages Action to do this. Just run it right before the build step.

  • I can't use the Install Packages action as there are firewalls that prevent access to the Internet from the build server and these settings cannot be changed. I am including the packages folder in source control. I can look at the temp location that is being created and see that the packages folder is pulled with the rest of the code from source control. However the build still can't find the DLL's even though the hint in the project file looks to be the correct relative path.

  • I see this in the output log:

    Considered "..\packages\Swashbuckle.Core.5.5.3\lib\net40\Swashbuckle.Core.dll", but it didn't exist.

    However, it does exist. So there must be a problem with a path setting somewhere.

  • Turns out that not all of the packages were being included in source control. Once I added in the missing package folders to source control I was able to move forward.

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