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Jenkins pipeline uploadProgetPackage fails on large uploads?

  • I'm having to trial-and-error, and have found this:

    if I execute uploadProgetPackage with single file (xxx.exe), it all uploads fine.
    If I execute with folder containing that EXE (binDir/), or (binDir/**/), it fails with
    java.io.IOException: Remote call on Channel to / failed

    Is there a limit to the package size being transferred from slave to master to ProGet server to ProGet DB?? Also, I cannot find any logs on the slave... where are the logs?? I've looked in the server (via web) and also do not see logs.


    • Jenkins Server: 2.32.3 (on Win10), Inedo Plugin 0.7<br>
    • ProGet Server: 4.7.6 build5 running on same system as Jenkins Server
      using ProGet provided MySQL DB
    • Jenkins Slave: Win10

    example success

    13:31:16 [x64dbg] [ProGet] Sending POST as user 'build-auto' to http://XXXMYSERVERXXX.com:81/upack/Experiment/upload
    13:31:16 [x64dbg] [ProGet] With application/zip content:
    13:31:16 [x64dbg] 	... Content of file C:\Baseline_x64dbg.unpack ...
    13:31:16 [x64dbg] 
    [Pipeline] [x64dbg] echo
    13:31:19 [x64dbg] upload succeeded

    example failure

    13:39:25 [x64dbg] [ProGet] Sending POST as user 'build-auto' to http://XXXMYSERVERXXX.com:81/upack/Experiment/upload
    [Pipeline] [x64dbg] error
    [Pipeline] [x64dbg] }
    [Pipeline] [x64dbg] // dir
    [Pipeline] [x64dbg] }
    [Pipeline] [x64dbg] // node
    [Pipeline] [x64dbg] }
    [Pipeline] [x64dbg] // timestamps
    [Pipeline] [x64dbg] }
    [x64dbg] Failed in branch x64dbg
    [Pipeline] // parallel
    [Pipeline] echo
    >>>>>>>>> ERROR:hudson.AbortException: java.io.IOException: Remote call on Channel to / failed

    I'm not sure where the IP address is coming from - the system running both Jenkins and Proget servers is I will be checking that with my IT department.
    In case its important, I've surrounded the Proget uploadProgetPackage with try{...} catch () {...}

    Meanwhile, can you direct me to any documentation on the plugin and the upload (examples, restrictions, etc)??
    thank you!

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 4.7.6

  • Are you able to upload this same package via upack.exe or the browser?

    There shouldn't be any upload limits...

    here are some additional links:



  • Apologies for the lengthy time-to-respond. I've been side-tracked, but back on this now.

    • I've been able to setup my own ProGet Server (4.7.13), with a valid 30 day license. I have it setup with one test feed. My Jenkins Server is 2.60.2, and the Indedo plugin is 0.7. I'm using pipeline scripts (groovy) only.
    • tests using Jenkins plugin and uploading a folder with logs (test files) of about 8-20Kb works.
    • When I then use same plugin, but upload folder of binaries (2.9Gb), it packs for about 2 min, and then I see
      ProGet Upload error was: java.io.IOException: Remote call on Channel to / failed
    • I've found the API documentation and see PUT or POST /upack/«feed-name»/upload«...» but it appears (the CURL example) that I must first make a ZIP archive on my own, and then issue the curl PUT using the name of that ZIP archive file. (yes?) [and I will be experimenting today..]

  • More Data:

    • after some experimentation with the Jenkins Plugin, I've discovered that it is not a "size" issue (eg 2.x Gb), but rather that I seem to only be able to specify a SINGLE folder to pack using the Jenkins Plugin syntax:
      dir(parent) { uploadProgetPackage artifacts: kidFolder+'/**/*', caseSensitive: false, excludes: '**/*.unpack', title: myTitle, description: descrip, feedName: feedID, groupName: myGroupName, packageName: myPackageName, version: '1.2.3', metadata: myMetaAry.join('\r\n') }
    • the above does not work. It fails -- I've lost the log but can re-create the error pretty easily..
    • I've setup another experiment using the Universal Package (make a zip called myTest.upack, with a upack.json inside) and issue a curl command mostly per the Inedo docs:
      curl.exe" -X PUT "http://myProGetSrvr:81/upack/myUnivFeed/upload" --upload-file "C:\Jenkins\workspace\experiment\myTest.upack" --user "****"
    • this works (sortof).
    • I see the curl transfer stats, and there does not appear to be an error, but when I echo the STDout, I only see the command (above) and nothing else.
    • when I look on the ProGet server, I see no new packages anywhere.
    • Aha!! I looked at the Event Log, and see that the package was created at 12:47 today, and modified at 5:59 today (when I ran the test script one last time)!! and indeed, I see the correct contents when I download that package.

    I think I'm better, but it sure would help to know what responses I get from a cURL -X PUT... and do I need to use PUT, or can I use POST(??)

  • even more data;

    • the curl -X PUT... works, but only for zipped files smaller then 1Gb

    as I mentioned in earlier posts, the data is usually close to 2.x Gb, so using a web-ish upload (eg curl) is problematic on many levels.

    Is there an equivalent to FTP for uploads/downloads to handle file transfers between the ProGet server and a client system?

  • Final results for curl -X PUT...

    • I was able to change C:\Program Files\ProGet\WebApp\Web.config (yes, my server is on Windows 10), and increase the transfer size from 1Gb to 3Gb
    • I then restarted the ProGet Web Service
    • I then tried to upload a zip file 2.02Gb in size..and, it worked.

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