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Build Artifact not found

  • When I build, the build fails, and log lists the following:

    earching for D:\BuildMaster\Artifacts\10\0.0\2\18\Website.zip...
    Loading file from ...
    The artifact could not be found.

    However, when I check the artifact isn't there, it's in a slightly different folder, isntead of \18\ at the end, it's in \0.

    I don't seem to have any control over this. Interestingly when I go into the release, and the artifact is listed, I can click and download it. So something knows its there.

    Any ideas?

  • Hi Phil,

    This has to do with the Action Group that creates the Artifact. It's probably associated with (all deployables), which means it will be in the \0 folder.

    So, simply change the action group that creates or deployes the artifact to use the same deployable... either (all deployables) or DeployableX.

    Hope that helps...


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