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Removing package from docker feed
I'm trying to automate the purge old packages from a docker repository using the upack api, but I'm having problems.The documentation says:
DELETE or POST /upack/«feed-name»/delete/«group-name»/«package-name»/«package-version»Where group and version are optional, however using this URL:
curl -X DELETE "http://<server>/upack/winecomdocker/delete/frontendcms_106/"Is returning:
Expected URL of format [group]/[name]/[version]Is there anything wrong on the documentation or the call ?
FranciscoProduct: ProGet
Version: 4.6.7
The upack api is only for universal feeds, so it will only work with universal feeds and packages... not docker registries or images. You'll need to check the docker api for how to do that (we don't publish the api, but we support it).
I tried to use the docker API, however I'm having problems accessing it
For example, according to the API documentation:
GET /v2/<name>/manifests/<reference>Should get the signature, however using this call:
curl -H "Accept: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json" -X GET -vvv -k https://<host>/<repository>/v2/<image>/manifests/latestReturns not found.
What is the correct way to call v2 API from a proget docker repository ?
I couldn't find any documentation about it.Thanks