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Release Package Triggers filtering by specific release?

  • Hello,

    We'd like to set up scheduled builds for a specific release. Currently, the only settings available are oldest, newest, or all active releases. Is there any way we could set up automatic release package creation & builds for a single, specific release?



    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 5.6.6

  • There is no way to configure that in the schedule, but you can somewhat accomplish this by either:

    1. setting the filter to "newest active release" and moving the release to the top on the Release Sequence page

    or, if you don't mind multiple failed builds in your release,

    1. setting the filter to "all releases" and filtering at the top of the build plan, e.g.

      if $CompareReleaseSequence(!=, $ReleaseNumber, $DesiredReleaseNumber)
      Log-Information `$ReleaseNumber is $ReleaseNumber, skipping.;

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