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OTTER 1.5.0 - Error msg after upgrade in configuraiton Script (PSEnsure)
I just upgrade the server to 1.5.0 and I have the following error msg for a configuraiton script based on PSEnsure:
ERROR: Unhandled exception: System.InvalidCastException: Impossible d'effectuer un cast d'un objet de type 'SZArrayEnumerator' en type 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator
2[System.String,Inedo.ExecutionEngine.RuntimeValue]]'. à Inedo.ExecutionEngine.RuntimeMapValue.GetEnumerator() à Inedo.Extensions.Windows.PowerShell.PSUtil.<ExecuteScriptAsync>d__0.MoveNext()The variables seems not to be correctly set and pass to the script
Script with the error :
set $DossierSource = ${DossierRoot}\${EnvDossier}\${DossierBin}; set $DossierDest = ${DossierSrv}\${DossierBin}; Ensure-Directory $DossierDest ( Exists: true ); # Try/Catch try { PSEnsure ( Key: SynchroDossierBin, Value: 0, CollectScript: FolderCompare, ConfigureScript: FolderSync, UseExitCode: true, Debug: true, Verbose: true, CollectScriptParams: %(DossierSource:$DossierSource,DossierDestination:$DossierDest), ConfigureScriptParams: %(DossierSource:$DossierSource,DossierDestination:$DossierDest) ); } catch { Log-Error Synchro C:\DSI\BIN; }
Hope this will be helpfull
I am experiencing the same issue after upgrading from v1.4.6 to v1.5.1. I have not yet discovered a way around this.
Pb solved with the 1.5.2