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Forcing 32 bit powershell

  • Hi Guys,

    I have an application that uses a MS Access database, and as part of its deployment i modify one of the values to match the environment using a power shell script.

    The problem is that the Jet database provider only functions in the 32 bit version of power shell. To make it work in BM I have to copy the script to the target server, and i initiate another power shell that starts the 32 bit shell and runs the end script.

    Is there any way to make this script run natively in BM, by forcing it to call as 32 bit?



    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 5.5.3

  • BuildMaster runs the PowerShell scripts in-process, so it's not possible.

    The method you've identified (running a separat eprocess) is the best way to accomplish it I think.

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