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NPM feed and dependencies
I've have succesfully setup a feed for npm on a server, not my machine.
I can install npm pacakges, but I get errors on some packages, because their dependencies insist on going to the https://registry.npmjs.org/ website. This url is only accessible from the the server where Proget is running, not from my machine.I've read that some packages include the source from where they want to look for their dependencies and is not overruled apparently by the registry settings set on my machine which point to the proget server installation.
Is there a way to solve this within Proget?
My Example case: npm i angular-cli -g stops on package netw. ( I can install it manually, but not in the flow of depencies of angular-cli.)
I'm currently evaluating the free version with a Nuget feed, npm feed and a bower feed...
Product: ProGet
Version: 4.1.1
Do you have any examples of these packages? If you configure npm to use a differentregistry, then it should always point to your proget instance...
angular-cli gave me problems.
It tries to retrieve dependent packages from https://registry.npmjs.org. ( https urls don't works on our dev pc's)At the moment I also configured the server with the feed as my proxy server, so at least that traffic passes over this server for all package handling. (I also have github and such)
Tnx for any info you can provide