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Using ProGet with ChocolateyGUI

  • I have ProGet configured to use Active directory. When I use CHOCOLATEGUI The Gui interface that works with "https://chocolatey.org/api/v2" I try and configure it with "http://tfs.celltrust.com:82/feeds/Gen2ChocolateyTest" a chocolatey Feed with 6 chocolatey packages in it. The GUi will not accept the configuration and displays "Failed to query source". If a use a browser and query "http://tfs.celltrust.com:82/feeds/Gen2ChocolateyTest" I am asked for my domain login. I am the admin on ProGet and enter my credentials and then get the list of packages as I would expect. I am a little perplexed that I am asked for my credentials. I thought that when ProGet was configured for active directory that I would be using Integrated authentication and I would not be challenged for my credentials as I was in the Free version before I bought the licence.

    I am fairly certain that the CHOCOLATEGUI is running into the challenge for the credentials and failing because it does not have any to offer even though I am logged in with the same domain account I use to Admin ProGet. Both ProGet and the system running the CHOCOLATEGUI are both Windows Server 2012 R2 Statndard and joined to the domain.

    Any help or guidance would be appreciated.

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 4.0.15

  • It sounds like ProGet is working fine, but that the CHOCOLATEGUI doesn't support Windows Integrated Authentication. I would submit a ticket/bug request on their github and ask them to support it.

    It's generally a relatively easy change to make, depending on how they implemented querying.

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