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Icons for packages...

  • Can the internal web server serves icons for the packages?

    The nuspec file only reference icons with an HTTP url.

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 4.0.10

  • Currently only Universal Packages support this. Is this supported by official NuGet packages yet?

  • Yes, it is supported by NuGet, see nuspec reference.

    Essentially there are xml items named iconUrl and licenseUrl that only accept HTTP urls.

    Would be nice if we could serve from http://myproget.mycompany.com/icons/default

  • I understand... you want the ProGet web server to host/serve the icon files themselves...

    It's very unlikely we will implement an image/file hosting feature. There are plenty of image/file hosting servers out there, or you could just use a basic IIS site to serve files from disk.

    Note that, on the NuGet roadmap, there is a feature to store icons in the package, like ProGet's universal packages does, using package://myicon.png; this would simplify things quite a bit.

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