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Proget LDAP configuration

  • I've had Proget setup with LDAP to our single domain Active Directory for close to a year, and it works great. I was just wondering if there was a way to force the LDAP sync to occur. When I add new users to my groups in Active Directory, it takes hours before Proget sees the change.

    Also, I can't seem to find the documentation I used to setup the LDAP integration. I see descriptions of the different types of authentication but no actual implementation guide. I have three groups in Active Directory 'Proget_ViewOnly', 'Proget_Developer', and 'Proget_Administrator'. Proget sees the users in these Active Directory groups and adds them to the respective Proget role, but I'm looking through configs and can't find where I actually set that up. Hoping you can refresh my memory so I can document this time.

    Brad Kehoe

    Product: ProGet
    Version: 3.8.6

  • The privileges are cached; if you "invalidate cache" on the privileges page or restart the web application, that should fix it.

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