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API Method to delete NuGet package?
Is there an API method to delete packages from a NuGet feed?
Product: ProGet
Version: 4.0.8
You should be able to just do a DELETE against that, or use the ProGet API method for it,.
I don't see a DeletePackage method exposed by the ProGet API for NuGet feeds?
Am I missing something as there are API calls for deleting packages from Bower/NPM feeds.
Ah, it's possible that was marked as internal-use only as an oversight for 4.0...
But this is the method to use from NuGet.exe; note it does a HTTP DELETE against the package URL: https://docs.nuget.org/consume/command-line-reference#delete-command-usage
Hi, Alana,
Could you please provide some more details regarding this? I tried passing a Delete method to the API URL for the package I wanted to delete, and I was informed that the API only supports GET and POST.
Also, is it supported to delete a specific version of a package? And are there plans to expose the Delete functionality in future versions of the API?