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How to update a buildmaster variable from a custom action

  • I simply want to simulate what the built-in extension "Set Variable Value" does in my custom action. I've tried with all the variable scopes (Execution, Release and Build)

    I've tried 2 methods:

    1. this.Context.Variables["myVar"] = "The new value"; --> This actually updated the value in the DB, but is not reflected in Buildmaster once a new action is started.
    2. StoredProcs.Executions_SetVariableValue(this.Context.ExecutionPlanActionId, "myVar", "The new value"); --> This has no effect whatsoever.

    My custom action is a RemoteActionBase.

    How is this 'Set Variable Value' performs the value update?

    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 4.8.6

  • Here is the v4.9.6 source for that action as a reference (should work as is for v4.8.6 as well): http://44.inedo.com/buildmaster/sources/SetVariableAction.zip

    There are some caveats to variable setting because it is inherently complicated, as it can rely on data from external servers, there is cascading to consider, whether it should replace an existing variable's value, whether it should create a new variable with the same or different value that overrides only for a single execution, etc.

    If you could describe exactly what you are you trying to do with regards with variable setting, we can provide better guidance.

    In the meantime, the API method you want is:

    	string Variable_Name, 
    	int? Environment_Id, 
    	int? Server_Id, 
    	int? ApplicationGroup_Id, 
    	int? Application_Id, 
    	int? Deployable_Id, 
    	string Release_Number, 
    	string Build_Number, 
    	int? Execution_Id, 
    	string Value_Text, 
    	string Sensitive_Indicator

    Supplying combinations of the various IDs/Numbers is the "context" of the variable, i.e. to modify a build variable value, you must supply Application_Id, Release_Number, and Build_Number (with the others being null). To create/update an execution variable, only Execution_Id should be passed in.

    Note that for RemoteActionBase, you cannot call this StoredProcs method from the ProcessRemoteCommand() method, it must be done in Execute(). If the value is captured from a remote server, just return the variable value as a string from ProcessRemoteCommand() and then call the StoredProcs method from Execute().

    Simplified example of RemoteActionBase:

    protected override void Execute()
    	string value = this.ExecuteRemoteCommand(string.Empty);
    	// call StoredProcs.Variables_CreateOrUpdateVariableDefinition here...
    protected internal override string ProcessRemoteCommand(string name, string[] args)
    	// this method runs on the remote server...
    	string value; 
    	// get value from somewhere...
    	return value;

  • Tod,

    Thanks very much for this piece of info and the source. Very useful. I've been able to do complete my extension, working all good!

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