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How do I import multiple ProGet deployment packages

  • all the docs say "Import NuGet packages" for using the Build Import for packages from ProGet but I can't seem to get it to do multiple packages, how exactly do I accomplish that?
    Also, a request - please allow multiple Build Steps. Someone could want to combine the different methods into one Workflow and right now you can't seem to do that.


    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 4.8.6

  • Hi Jon,

    The "NuGet Build Importer" will only pull in a single artifact; however you can use NuGet to install multiple packages as part of a build step. You can use different workflows to create multiple build importers, or build steps.

    In the next release of ProGet, we will be shipping a more general-purpose repository feature and client that will make this a lot easier to work with (instead of using nuget).

  • Alex,
    different Workflows, of course! Sorry I should have thought of that.


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