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Array cannot be null error when viewing a Retention Policy's Purge History

  • We recently created a Retention Policy. Once it started running, we say a few errors in the Error logs including the following:

    Error executing retention policy (ID=1): System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): 81521610RetentionPolicies_EndPurge15`String or binary data would be truncated. at ....

    The purge appears to have been successful since the builds no longer appear in the UI. However, when we try to click the Admin -> Retention Policies -> View Purge History we see a .Net error stating that Array cannot be null. Parameter name: bytes.

    Can someone explain how we can resolve the error so that we can view purge history?


    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 4.8.4

  • Thanks for the find - that's a bug in the display logic for that page which assumes the log entry is never null (and as you have discovered, there are ways it could be null).

    To clean that up, you can run the following SQL query against the BuildMaster database:

     DELETE [RetentionPoliciesPurgeHistory]
     WHERE [LogText_Bytes] IS NULL

    That should at least allow you to view the page again, and I'll put in a note to have that fixed in the next maintenance release.

  • Thanks Tod. I have run the provided SQL and can confirm that the View Purge History page is now working again.


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