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Ensure-DscResource and DSC Resource with embedded subclass

  • Hi, how can I use Ensure-DscResource with a resource containing embedded subclass e.g. https://github.com/dsccommunity/cNtfsAccessControl. Can you please give some examples?

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  • Hello

    Here is two exemple :

    1. one with Carbon module (http://get-carbon.org)
    2. One wit h xSmbshare (From Pwershll Gallery)
      I assumed you have install the module
               ConfigurationKey: Identity,
               Name: Carbon_Permission,
               Module: Carbon,
               Properties: %(Path:$DFSFolder,Identity:$Mydomain\$MyGroup,Permission:FullControl)
           Name: xSmbShare,
           Module: xSmbShare,
           Properties: %(Name:$ShareFolder,Path:$FoldertoShare,ReadAccess:$Mydomain\$MyGroup,FolderEnumerationMode:AccessBased,CachingMode:None)

    The Carbon example use as ConfigurationKey the property Identity while in the xSmbShare, the configuraitonKey is the default property (ie, Name)

    I hope to not make a mistake and it will be useful.

    Best Regards

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