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Infrastructure Sync BuildMaster from Otter stop working :(
The infrastructure sync stop working between Otter and Buildmaster.
I setup Otter, then I sync Buildmaster.
It was working fine until a recent upgrade of Otter or Buildmaster. As I keep both up-to-date I don't which upgrade is the cause of the pb.There is no error message in Buildmaster if I force the Infrastructure Sync to run, every sync look fine.
Any help is welcome
Best regards
Hi Philippe,
I tried a quick repro with the current versions of each (BuildMaster v6.1.12 & Otter v2.2.12) and it seemed to work fine. Can you verify those are the versions you are using?
Additionally, can you check in BuildMaster on the Admin > Executions page whether the "Import Infrastructure" executions have some clues as to what failed? (Note you can filter by "Manual" to see them if there are too many executions there.)
Hi John
Otter : Version 2.2.12 (Build 1)
buildmaster : Version 6.1.20 (Build 10)There were no error message,
I will try to make again the sync and let you know, but do not expect a response within the next 2 weeks (Chritmas holidaysBest regards
Sounds good, I will await your response whenever you get back... in the meantime, have a happy holiday season!
Have you tried reeboting it? or have you verified all the versions that you are using?
Hi Folks
I am back in the game :)Happy New Year '20 for Inedo team
I am still stuck with this damned failed synchro infrastructure between Otter and BuildMaster (both are in the last versions - I have checked twice@pandeyanitapan_0907 )
The logs is not really useful for me
If I force the synchro, I have the following message
Running Infrastructure Sync... Querying https://otter.ocapiat.fr/api/infrastructure/all/list for infrastructure changes... Starting "Import Infrastructure" execution... Execution created (ID=159009). Triggering executer...
I tried to remove a server from Otter, ran the sync in BuildMaster unsuccessfully.
I am looking for some help (@jrasch ???)
I removed all the servers , the role and the environment in buildmaster.
I forced the syncServers are back
Roles are backEnvironment are back but not as expected.
In Otter:
- Integration
- Exploitation
- Developpement
- Production
- No environnement is available in https://buildmaster.ocapiat.fr/administration/environments
- Developpement and Production are assign to servers.
I think Buildmaster doesn't like dependancies in environnement as it is possible in Otter.
And after this first sync, next sync stop working.
Hi Philippe,
The logs of the actual sync are actually on the executions page (in your case, https://buildmaster.ocapiat.fr/executions?Mode=M)
I suspect you will see an error like:
627`14`1`ServerRoles_CreateOrUpdateServerRole`19`Violation of UNIQUE KEY constraint 'UQ__ServerRoles__ServerRole_Name'
If you do, that's why it doesn't work. I have fixed this specific issue internally (and was then able to sync) and the fix will be included with the next maintenance release. If this is not the error you see, let me know and I will continue to investigate.
Hi John
Thanks for the links.
Here is the error msg I have (I have got the first failed sync after the sync which worked).Starting infrastructure import... Mirroring enabled; infrastructure will be deleted if it is not defined in imported configuration. Variables will be imported. Unhandled exception: System.ArgumentException: Un élément avec la même clé a déjà été ajouté. à System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource) à System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add) à System.Linq.Enumerable.ToDictionary[TSource,TKey,TElement](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 keySelector, Func`2 elementSelector, IEqualityComparer`1 comparer) à Inedo.BuildMaster.Extensibility.ManualExecutions.ImportInfrastructureExecution.<ImportRolesAsync>d__21.MoveNext() --- Fin de la trace de la pile à partir de l'emplacement précédent au niveau duquel l'exception a été levée --- à System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw() à System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) à Inedo.BuildMaster.Extensibility.ManualExecutions.ImportInfrastructureExecution.<ExecuteAsync>d__20.MoveNext() --- Fin de la trace de la pile à partir de l'emplacement précédent au niveau duquel l'exception a été levée --- à System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw() à System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) à Inedo.BuildMaster.Windows.ServiceApplication.Executions.ManualExecution.<ExecuteAsync>d__8.MoveNext()
Un élément avec la même clé a déjà été ajouté
duplicate key
I will wait for the correction
Hi @jrasch
I upgrade but the error still persist.
What should I do ?
Hi Philippe,
I will look into this again as soon as I can, unfortunately all our resources at the moment are dedicated to getting BuildMaster v6.2 out the door.
Hi John
Thanks for the reply.
I can wait.
Best regards
HI @jrasch
I update to 6.2.3
I stop the sync from OTTER
I clean up the servers, rôles and environment.
Run the sync.
S'il the same errer.
I did not anything on Otter so I have empty rôle.Regards
To complete,
Here is the structure of the role and why I have some empty rolePLATEFORME - APPLICATION 1 - IIS => Assigned Server = 2
- Depend on Role Baseline - IIS
PLATEFORME - APPLICATION 2 - IIS => Assigned Server = 1
- Depend on Role Baseline - IIS
Baseline - IIS => Assigned servers = 0 should be 3
Hi Philipe,
I am getting back to investigating this issue now. Are you able to send over an example export (Admin > Export Configuration) that exhibits the error? Please make sure to sanitize any agent connection information from the export :)
Export From Otter
{ "servers": [ { "active": true, "environments": [ "PRODUCTION" ], "roles": [ "BASELINE-FICHIERS" ], "raft": "Default", "serverType": "local", "drift": "automaticallyRemediate", "name": "VM121007", "variables": {} }, { "active": true, "environments": [ "PRODUCTION" ], "roles": [ "PLATEFORMES-MAESTRO-PDQ" ], "serverType": "windows", "hostName": "VM121004", "port": 46336, "encryptionType": "aes", "encryptionKey": "xxxxxxx", "drift": "automaticallyRemediate", "name": "VM121004", "variables": {} }, { "active": true, "environments": [ "PRODUCTION" ], "roles": [ "AD-PKI" ], "serverType": "windows", "hostName": "VM121010", "port": 46336, "encryptionType": "aes", "encryptionKey": "xxxxxxx", "drift": "automaticallyRemediate", "name": "VM121010", "variables": {} }, { "active": true, "environments": [ "PRODUCTION" ], "roles": [ "AD-Controleurs" ], "serverType": "windows", "hostName": "VM121001", "port": 46336, "encryptionType": "aes", "encryptionKey": "xxxxxxx", "drift": "automaticallyRemediate", "name": "VM121001", "variables": {} }, { "active": true, "environments": [ "PRODUCTION" ], "roles": [ "PLATEFORMES-MAESTRO-DFS" ], "serverType": "windows", "hostName": "VM121002", "port": 46336, "encryptionType": "aes", "encryptionKey": "xxxxxxx", "drift": "automaticallyRemediate", "name": "VM121002", "variables": {} }, { "active": true, "environments": [ "PRODUCTION" ], "roles": [ "AD-Controleurs" ], "serverType": "windows", "hostName": "VM120001", "port": 46336, "encryptionType": "aes", "encryptionKey": "xxxxxxx", "drift": "automaticallyRemediate", "name": "VM120001", "variables": {} }, { "active": true, "environments": [ "PRODUCTION" ], "roles": [ "PLATEFORMES-MAESTRO-DFS" ], "serverType": "windows", "hostName": "VM121009", "port": 46336, "encryptionType": "aes", "encryptionKey": "xxxxxxx", "drift": "automaticallyRemediate", "name": "VM121009", "variables": {} }, { "active": true, "environments": [ "INTEGRATION" ], "roles": [ "PLATEFORMES-METAANNUAIRE" ], "serverType": "windows", 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"tempPath": "", "name": "VM111002", "variables": {} }, { "active": true, "environments": [ "DEVELOPPEMENT" ], "roles": [ "LINUX-BASELINE", "LINUX-HAPROXY", "PLATEFORMES-WORDPRESS-HAPROXI", "PLATEFORMES-SOR-HAPROXI" ], "raft": "Linux", "serverType": "ssh", "hostName": "", "port": 22, "credentialsType": "UsernamePassword", "credentialsName": "ROOT-UBUNTU", "drift": "reportOnly", "tempPath": "", "name": "VM111003", "variables": {} }, { "active": true, "environments": [ "INTEGRATION" ], "roles": [ "LINUX-MARIADB", "PLATEFORMES-WORDPRESS" ], "raft": "Linux", "serverType": "ssh", "hostName": "", "port": 22, "credentialsType": "UsernamePassword", "credentialsName": "ROOT-UBUNTU", "drift": "reportOnly", "tempPath": "", "name": "VM111005", "variables": { "WPSITES": "@(wpsbx)" } }, { "active": true, "environments": [ "INTEGRATION", "DEVELOPPEMENT" ], "roles": [ "BASELINE-100-IIS", "BASELINE", "BASELINE-110-IIS-PHP" ], "serverType": "windows", "hostName": "VM121041", "port": 46336, 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"tempPath": "", "name": "VM111007", "variables": { "WPSITES": "@(WPDEV)" } } ], "environments": [ { "name": "INTEGRATION", "variables": { "RootDrive": "D:\\", "RootEnv": "INT" } }, { "name": "DEVELOPPEMENT", "variables": { "RootDrive": "D:\\", "RootEnv": "DEV" } }, { "name": "PRODUCTION", "variables": {} } ], "roles": [ { "dependencies": [ "BASELINE" ], "name": "BASELINE-CONFIG-SERVEURS", "variables": { "Description": { "value": "%(VM120001: DC PARIS16, VM120003: DC PARIS16, VM120002: EXCHANGE, VM121001: DC PARIS12, VM121003: DC PARIS 12, VM121005: DC POITIERS, VM121006: DC POITIERS, VM121002: MAESTRO-DFS-PARIS12, VM121008: KMS, VM121009: MAESTRO-DFS-POITIERS, VM121010: PKI, VM121004: PDQ, VM121007: MAESTRO-INEDO-SQLXPRESS, VM121012: TEST, VM121013: GLPI, VM121014: FICHIERS PARIS 12, VM120004: MAESTRO-FICHIERS-DFS, VM120005: MAESTRO-MDT)", "sensitive": true } } }, { "dependencies": [ "BASELINE-CONFIG-SERVEURS" ], "name": "AD-Controleurs", "variables": { "ModulesBaselineAD": "[\n{\"Nom\":\"DFSDsc\",\"Version\":\"4.3.0\"},\n{\"Nom\":\"xSmbShare\",\"Version\":\"2.2.0\"}, {\"Nom\":\"xDNSServer\",\"Version\":\"\"}\n]\n\n" } }, { "dependencies": [ "BASELINE-CONFIG-SERVEURS" ], "name": "PLATEFORMES", "variables": {} }, { "dependencies": [ "PLATEFORMES" ], "name": "PLATEFORMES-MAESTRO", "variables": {} }, { "dependencies": [ "PLATEFORMES-MAESTRO", "BASELINE-100-IIS" ], "name": "PLATEFORMES-MAESTRO-PDQ", "variables": { "ModulesPlateformesMaestroPDQ": "[ {\"Nom\":\"VMware.PowerCLI\",\"Version\":\"\"},{\"Nom\":\"DSI\",\"Version\":\"1.0.0\"} ]\t" } }, { "dependencies": [ "BASELINE-CONFIG-SERVEURS", "BASELINE-100-IIS" ], "name": "AD-PKI", "variables": {} }, { "dependencies": [ "BASELINE-010-IIS-MODULES" ], "name": "BASELINE-100-IIS", "variables": { "SitesIIS": "%(GLPI-INTEGRATION: %(Bindings: @(%(IPAddress: *, Port: 8000, HostName: *, Protocol: http))), GLPI-EXPLOITATION: %(Bindings: @(%(IPAddress: *, Port: 8001, HostName: *, Protocol: http))), KANBOARD-INTEGRATION: %(Bindings: @(%(IPAddress: *, Port: 8003, HostName: *, Protocol: http))), ANNUAIRE-EXPLOITATION: %(Bindings: @(%(IPAddress: *, Port: 80, HostName: annuaire.ocapiat.fr, Protocol: http))), ANNUAIRE-INTEGRATION: %(Bindings: @(%(IPAddress: *, Port: 80, HostName: annuaire-dev.ocapiat.fr, Protocol: http))))", "WindowsFeature-IIS": "@(Web-Server, Web-WebServer, Web-Common-Http, Web-Static-Content, Web-Default-Doc, Web-Http-Errors, Web-Dir-Browsing, Web-Http-Redirect, Web-Health, Web-Http-Logging, Web-Request-Monitor, Web-Log-Libraries, Web-Performance, Web-Stat-Compression, Web-Dyn-Compression, Web-Security, Web-Filtering, Web-Basic-Auth, Web-Windows-Auth, Web-App-Dev, Web-CGI, Web-ISAPI-Ext, Web-Includes, Web-ISAPI-Filter, Web-Mgmt-Tools, Web-Mgmt-Compat, Web-Metabase, Web-WMI, Web-Lgcy-Scripting, Web-Scripting-Tools, Web-Mgmt-Service)" } }, { "dependencies": [ "PLATEFORMES-MAESTRO", "BASELINE-FICHIERS" ], "name": "PLATEFORMES-MAESTRO-DFS", "variables": {} }, { "dependencies": [ "BASELINE-CONFIG-SERVEURS" ], "name": "BASELINE-FICHIERS", "variables": { "LecteurDFS": "D:", "ModulesBaselineFichiers": "[ {\"Nom\":\"DFSDsc\",\"Version\":\"4.3.0\"},\n{\"Nom\":\"xSmbShare\",\"Version\":\"2.2.0\"} ]", "WindowsFeature-Fichiers": "@(FS-Resource-Manager, FS-DFS-Namespace, FS-DFS-Replication, FS-DATA-Deduplication, FS-VSS-Agent)" } }, { "dependencies": [ "BASELINE-CONFIG-SERVEURS" ], "name": "PLATEFORMES-EXCHANGE", "variables": {} }, { "dependencies": [], "name": "BASELINE", "variables": { "ModulesBaseline": "[{\"Nom\":\"PSDscResources\",\"Version\":\"\"} ,\n {\"Nom\":\"Carbon\",\"Version\":\"2.9.0\"},\n {\"Nom\":\"StorageDSC\",\"Version\":\"\"},\n{\"Nom\":\"xActiveDirectory\",\"Version\":\"\"},\n{\"Nom\":\"NetworkingDSC\",\"Version\":\"\"}\n]", "WindowsFeaturesBaseline": "@(RSAT-AD-PowerShell, RSAT-DNS-Server)" } }, { "dependencies": [ "PLATEFORMES-MAESTRO", "BASELINE-110-IIS-PHP" ], "name": "PLATEFORMES-MAESTRO-GLPI", "variables": {} }, { "dependencies": [ "BASELINE" ], "name": "BASELINE-010-IIS-MODULES", "variables": { "ModulesBaselineIIS": "[\n {\"Nom\":\"xWebAdministration\",\"Version\":\"\"},\n {\"Nom\":\"PSDscResources\",\"Version\":\"\"}\n]", "SourceNetFx35": "\\\\ocapiat.fr\\MAESTRO\\Logiciels\\Entreprise\\Microsoft\\.Net Framework\\3.5" } }, { "dependencies": [ "BASELINE-100-IIS" ], "name": "BASELINE-110-IIS-PHP", "variables": { "ModulesPHP": "[ {\"Nom\":\"PhpManager\",\"Version\":\"\"} ]", "PHPPAthRoot": "D:\\PHP", "PHPVersions": "@(7.3.4)" } }, { "dependencies": [ "PLATEFORMES" ], "name": "PLATEFORMES-METAANNUAIRE", "variables": { "MetaAnnuaire": "%(EXP: %(InstanceDescription: Exploitation, LocalLDAPPortToListenOn: 50000, LocalSSLPortToListenOn: 50100))", "NomDomaine": "ldap", "WindowsFeature-ADLDS": "@(ADLDS)" } }, { "dependencies": [ "PLATEFORMES" ], "name": "PLATEFORMES-WAC", "variables": { "CName": "wac.ocapiat.fr", "WindowsFeaturesWAC": "@(RSAT-DNS-Server)" } }, { "dependencies": [ "PLATEFORMES", "BASELINE-110-IIS-PHP" ], "name": "PLATEFORMES-MAESTRO-KANBOARD", "variables": {} }, { "dependencies": [ "PLATEFORMES", "BASELINE-100-IIS" ], "name": "PLATEFORMES-MAESTRO-LANSWEEPER", "variables": {} }, { "dependencies": [ "PLATEFORMES" ], "name": "PLATEFORMES-MAESTRO-MDT", "variables": {} }, { "dependencies": [ "PLATEFORMES-MAESTRO" ], "name": "PLATEFORMES-MAESTRO-IIS", "variables": {} }, { "dependencies": [ "PLATEFORMES-MAESTRO" ], "name": "PLATEFORMES-MAESTRO-SNIPEIT", "variables": {} }, { "dependencies": [ "PLATEFORMES" ], "name": "PLATEFORMES-RH", "variables": {} }, { "dependencies": [], "name": "PLATEFORMES-RH-ANNUAIRE", "variables": {} }, { "dependencies": [ "BASELINE-CONFIG-SERVEURS" ], "name": "BASELINE-SQL", "variables": { "ModulesBaselineSQL": "[\n{\"Nom\":\"dbatools\",\"Version\":\"1.0.38\"},{\"Nom\":\"SQLServerDSC\",\"Version\":\"\"},\n{\"Nom\":\"SQLServer\",\"Version\":\"21.1.18147\"}\n]", "SQL-Maintenance-Checksum": "-2101817452", "SQL-Maintenance-Get-Script": "Get-InstanceName.sql", "SQL-Maintenance-Set-Script": "MaintenanceSolution.sql", "SQL-Maintenance-Test-Script": "ObjectChecksum.sql", "SQL-Scripts-Folder": "c:\\dsi\\sql", "SQLInstances": "@()", "SQLInstancesConfig": "%(MAESTRODEV: %(RAM: 2048, StaticPort: 1450), TEST: %(RAM: 2048, StaticPort: 1451), PAIE: %(RAM: 4096, StaticPort: 1450), MAESTROPRD: %(RAM: 2048, StaticPort: 1450), LANSWEEPER: %(RAM: 4096, StaticPort: 1451), TESTPUB: %(RAM: 4096, StaticPort: 1451), TESTABO: %(RAM: 4096, StaticPort: 1452))", "WindowsFeaturesBaselineSQL": "@(NET-Framework-45-Core)" } }, { "dependencies": [], "name": "PLATEFORMES-WORKSPACE", "variables": {} }, { "dependencies": [ "PLATEFORMES-MAESTRO", "BASELINE-110-IIS-PHP" ], "name": "PLATEFORMES-MAESTRO-GIT", "variables": {} }, { "dependencies": [ "BASELINE-CONFIG-SERVEURS" ], "name": "PLATEFORMES-RDS", "variables": {} }, { "dependencies": [], "name": "LINUX-BASELINE", "variables": { "APT-MARIADB": "mariadb-server mariadb-client" } }, { "dependencies": [], "name": "LINUX-HAPROXY", "variables": { "APT-Modules": "haproxy keepalived git wget" } }, { "dependencies": [ "LINUX-HAPROXY" ], "name": "PLATEFORMES-WORDPRESS-HAPROXI", "variables": {} }, { "dependencies": [], "name": "LINUX-MARIADB", "variables": { "APT-MARIADB": "mariadb-server mariadb-client" } }, { "dependencies": [ "LINUX-BASELINE", "LINUX-MARIADB" ], "name": "PLATEFORMES-WORDPRESS", "variables": { "APT-WP-PHP": "php7.2 php7.2-cli php7.2-mysql php7.2-json php7.2-opcache php7.2-mbstring php7.2-xml php7.2-gd php7.2-curl" }, { "dependencies": [ "BASELINE-SQL" ], "name": "PLATEFORMES-MAESTRO-SQL", "variables": {} }, { "dependencies": [], "name": "PLATEFORMES-PAIE", "variables": {} }, { "dependencies": [ "BASELINE-CONFIG-SERVEURS" ], "name": "PLATEFORMES-WORKFOLDER", "variables": { "ModulesWorkFolders": "[{\"Nom\":\"xDNSServer\",\"Version\":\"\"},{\"Nom\":\"CertificateDsc\",\"Version\":\"\"}]", "WindowsFeature-WorkFolders": "@(FS-SyncShareService, Web-WHC, FS-Data-Deduplication)", "WorkFolder-DossierBase": "D:\\WKFLD" } }, { "dependencies": [ "PLATEFORMES-WORKFOLDER" ], "name": "PLATEFORMES-WORKFOLDER-SETUP", "variables": {} }, { "dependencies": [], "name": "PLATEFORMES-SOR-HAPROXI", "variables": {} } ] }
Hi Philipe,
Thank you for the export. Using it to perform an import, I was able to determine the root cause for the "item with the same key has already been added" error and have submitted a fix for it.
If you would like a pre-release version with the fix included let me know and I'll make one available, otherwise it will be included in 6.1.26 due out next Friday.
Hi John
Great news
I will wait for the next release.
Best regards
Hi John
The BM release 6.2.4 (build 9) has the same problem :(
I expected that BM 6.2 solved the error so I upgraded.Any plan to solve the bug on the 6.2 ?
I did not check on 6.1.26
Best regards
Hi Phillipe,
The bug should have been resolved in both lines (it was fixed in 6.1 but merged into 6.2). I had originally used the infrastructure you sent in testing it, I will try again tomorrow or Wednesday in 2 clean instances to see what I find and report back.
Thanks for your fast answer.
I will wait for your reply.
Best regards
Hi Philippe,
Apparently 6.2 has an unrelated issue that prevents infrastructure sync which I have logged here: https://inedo.myjetbrains.com/youtrack/issue/BM-3542
Are you seeing the error "Invalid resource type specified for infrastructure sync." in the diagnostic center by chance? If so, the above issue should resolve it in the next 6.2 maintenance release due out next Friday.
Once I fixed that, the infrastructure was imported as per this log:
DEBUG: 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Starting infrastructure import... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Mirroring enabled; infrastructure will be deleted if it is not defined in imported configuration. DEBUG: 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Variables will be imported. INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating role BASELINE-CONFIG-SERVEURS... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating variable Description=[hidden]... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating role AD-Controleurs... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating variable ModulesBaselineAD=[ {"Nom":"DFSDsc","Version":"4.3.0"}, {"Nom":"xSmbShare","Version":"2.2.0"}, {"Nom":"xDNSServer","Version":""} ] ... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating role PLATEFORMES... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating role PLATEFORMES-MAESTRO... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating role PLATEFORMES-MAESTRO-PDQ... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating variable ModulesPlateformesMaestroPDQ=[ {"Nom":"VMware.PowerCLI","Version":""},{"Nom":"DSI","Version":"1.0.0"} ] ... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating role AD-PKI... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating role BASELINE-100-IIS... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating variable SitesIIS=%(GLPI-INTEGRATION: %(Bindings: @(%(IPAddress: *, Port: 8000, HostName: *, Protocol: http))), GLPI-EXPLOITATION: %(Bindings: @(%(IPAddress: *, Port: 8001, HostName: *, Protocol: http))), KANBOARD-INTEGRATION: %(Bindings: @(%(IPAddress: *, Port: 8003, HostName: *, Protocol: http))), ANNUAIRE-EXPLOITATION: %(Bindings: @(%(IPAddress: *, Port: 80, HostName: annuaire.ocapiat.fr, Protocol: http))), ANNUAIRE-INTEGRATION: %(Bindings: @(%(IPAddress: *, Port: 80, HostName: annuaire-dev.ocapiat.fr, Protocol: http))))... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating variable WindowsFeature-IIS=@(Web-Server, Web-WebServer, Web-Common-Http, Web-Static-Content, Web-Default-Doc, Web-Http-Errors, Web-Dir-Browsing, Web-Http-Redirect, Web-Health, Web-Http-Logging, Web-Request-Monitor, Web-Log-Libraries, Web-Performance, Web-Stat-Compression, Web-Dyn-Compression, Web-Security, Web-Filtering, Web-Basic-Auth, Web-Windows-Auth, Web-App-Dev, Web-CGI, Web-ISAPI-Ext, Web-Includes, Web-ISAPI-Filter, Web-Mgmt-Tools, Web-Mgmt-Compat, Web-Metabase, Web-WMI, Web-Lgcy-Scripting, Web-Scripting-Tools, Web-Mgmt-Service)... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating role PLATEFORMES-MAESTRO-DFS... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating role BASELINE-FICHIERS... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating variable LecteurDFS=D:... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating variable ModulesBaselineFichiers=[ {"Nom":"DFSDsc","Version":"4.3.0"}, {"Nom":"xSmbShare","Version":"2.2.0"} ]... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating variable WindowsFeature-Fichiers=@(FS-Resource-Manager, FS-DFS-Namespace, FS-DFS-Replication, FS-DATA-Deduplication, FS-VSS-Agent)... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating role PLATEFORMES-EXCHANGE... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating role BASELINE... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating variable ModulesBaseline=[{"Nom":"PSDscResources","Version":""} , {"Nom":"Carbon","Version":"2.9.0"}, {"Nom":"StorageDSC","Version":""}, {"Nom":"xActiveDirectory","Version":""}, {"Nom":"NetworkingDSC","Version":""} ]... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating variable WindowsFeaturesBaseline=@(RSAT-AD-PowerShell, RSAT-DNS-Server)... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating role PLATEFORMES-MAESTRO-GLPI... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating role BASELINE-010-IIS-MODULES... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating variable ModulesBaselineIIS=[ {"Nom":"xWebAdministration","Version":""}, {"Nom":"PSDscResources","Version":""} ]... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating variable SourceNetFx35=\\ocapiat.fr\MAESTRO\Logiciels\Entreprise\Microsoft\.Net Framework\3.5... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating role BASELINE-110-IIS-PHP... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating variable ModulesPHP=[ {"Nom":"PhpManager","Version":""} ]... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating variable PHPPAthRoot=D:\PHP... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating variable PHPVersions=@(7.3.4)... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating role PLATEFORMES-METAANNUAIRE... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating variable MetaAnnuaire=%(EXP: %(InstanceDescription: Exploitation, LocalLDAPPortToListenOn: 50000, LocalSSLPortToListenOn: 50100))... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating variable NomDomaine=ldap... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating variable WindowsFeature-ADLDS=@(ADLDS)... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating role PLATEFORMES-WAC... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating variable CName=wac.ocapiat.fr... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating variable WindowsFeaturesWAC=@(RSAT-DNS-Server)... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating role PLATEFORMES-MAESTRO-KANBOARD... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating role PLATEFORMES-MAESTRO-LANSWEEPER... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating role PLATEFORMES-MAESTRO-MDT... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating role PLATEFORMES-MAESTRO-IIS... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating role PLATEFORMES-MAESTRO-SNIPEIT... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating role PLATEFORMES-RH... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating role PLATEFORMES-RH-ANNUAIRE... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating role BASELINE-SQL... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating variable ModulesBaselineSQL=[ {"Nom":"dbatools","Version":"1.0.38"},{"Nom":"SQLServerDSC","Version":""}, {"Nom":"SQLServer","Version":"21.1.18147"} ]... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating variable SQL-Maintenance-Checksum=-2101817452... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating variable SQL-Maintenance-Get-Script=Get-InstanceName.sql... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating variable SQL-Maintenance-Set-Script=MaintenanceSolution.sql... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating variable SQL-Maintenance-Test-Script=ObjectChecksum.sql... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating variable SQL-Scripts-Folder=c:\dsi\sql... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating variable SQLInstances=@()... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating variable SQLInstancesConfig=%(MAESTRODEV: %(RAM: 2048, StaticPort: 1450), TEST: %(RAM: 2048, StaticPort: 1451), PAIE: %(RAM: 4096, StaticPort: 1450), MAESTROPRD: %(RAM: 2048, StaticPort: 1450), LANSWEEPER: %(RAM: 4096, StaticPort: 1451), TESTPUB: %(RAM: 4096, StaticPort: 1451), TESTABO: %(RAM: 4096, StaticPort: 1452))... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating variable WindowsFeaturesBaselineSQL=@(NET-Framework-45-Core)... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating role PLATEFORMES-WORKSPACE... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating role PLATEFORMES-MAESTRO-GIT... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating role PLATEFORMES-RDS... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating role LINUX-BASELINE... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating variable APT-MARIADB=mariadb-server mariadb-client... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating role LINUX-HAPROXY... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating variable APT-Modules=haproxy keepalived git wget... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating role PLATEFORMES-WORDPRESS-HAPROXI... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating role LINUX-MARIADB... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating variable APT-MARIADB=mariadb-server mariadb-client... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating role PLATEFORMES-WORDPRESS... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating variable APT-WP-PHP=php7.2 php7.2-cli php7.2-mysql php7.2-json php7.2-opcache php7.2-mbstring php7.2-xml php7.2-gd php7.2-curl... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating role PLATEFORMES-MAESTRO-SQL... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:52Z - Creating role PLATEFORMES-PAIE... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating role PLATEFORMES-WORKFOLDER... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating variable ModulesWorkFolders=[{"Nom":"xDNSServer","Version":""},{"Nom":"CertificateDsc","Version":""}]... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating variable WindowsFeature-WorkFolders=@(FS-SyncShareService, Web-WHC, FS-Data-Deduplication)... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating variable WorkFolder-DossierBase=D:\WKFLD... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating role PLATEFORMES-WORKFOLDER-SETUP... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating role PLATEFORMES-SOR-HAPROXI... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating environment DEVELOPPEMENT... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Updating environment INTEGRATION (id=1)... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating variable RootDrive=D:\... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating variable RootEnv=INT... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Updating environment PRODUCTION (id=3)... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating variable RootDrive=D:\... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating variable RootEnv=DEV... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Deleting environment Testing... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating server VM121007... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating server VM121004... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating server VM121010... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating server VM121001... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating server VM121002... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating server VM120001... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating server VM121009... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating server VM121012... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating server VM121011... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating server VM121008... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating server VM121003... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating server VM121006... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating server VM121005... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating server VM120002... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating server VM121013... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating variable PHPVersion=7.3.4... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating server VM121014... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating server VM120003... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating server VM120004... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating server VM120005... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating server VM121016... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating variable SQLInstances=@(TEST)... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating server VM121015... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating server VM121018... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating server VM121017... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating server VM121019... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating server VM121023... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating server VM121024... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating server VM121025... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating variable SQLInstances=@(MAESTROPRD,LANSWEEPER)... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating variable SQLSourcePath=\\ocapiat.fr\maestro\Logiciels\Entreprise\Microsoft\SQL Server\Standard\2016-FR-SP2... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating server VM121026... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating server VM121028... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating server VM121030... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating server VM121031... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating server VM121032... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating server VM120006... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating server VM121036... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating server VM121034... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating server VM121037... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating server VM121035... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating server VM111001... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating variable WPSITES=@(wpliv)... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating server VM121029... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating variable SQLInstances=@(PAIE)... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating variable SQLSourcePath=\\ocapiat.fr\maestro\Logiciels\Entreprise\Microsoft\SQL Server\Standard\2016-FR-SP2... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating server VM121038... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating server VM121040... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating server VM121039... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating server VM121027... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating server VM111002... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating server VM111003... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating server VM111005... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating variable WPSITES=@(wpsbx)... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating server VM121041... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating server VM120009... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating variable SQLInstances=@(TESTABO)... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating server VM120008... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating variable SQLInstances=@(TESTPUB)... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating server VM111007... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Creating variable WPSITES=@(WPDEV)... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Deleting server localhost... DEBUG: 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Committing transaction... INFO : 2020-02-19 16:02:53Z - Import complete.
Hope this helps,
Hello John
I upgrade to version 6.2.5b8.
The sync is working. I get all the servers, and roles, BUT I have seen a weird behaviour
I had 3 env defined in Otter
and only two were sync in Buildmaster.
The servers assigned to the missing environnement in Otter were assigned to the "none" environment.
I assigned INTEGRATION as child of DEVELOPPEMENT, ran a sync and INTEGRATION appears in Buildmaster as child of DEVELOPPEMENT
I removed the link to DEVELOPPEMENT, ran a new sync.Strange isn't it ?
But now, every seems to works fine until the next bug
Best regards