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Can't join Slack channel
I tried to join the Inedo Slack channel as described here: https://inedo.com/support/slack but when I try to request an invite to the channel, I see the following message:
*This invite link is no longer active.
If you have an @inedo.com email address, you can still create an account.
If not, please check with the person who shared the invite link with you to ask for an invitation.*
Thanks for the heads up... so much for the invite link that "doesn't expire" :)
Anyway, here's a new one: https://join.slack.com/t/inedo/shared_invite/enQtNTU3NzQwMzM4NDM3LTdkZDczYTJkNmY0NjdiNDEyNWIxZDRmMTBiYzdhYmQ3M2NkNDkwZTYxODA2NzRlYmY1OWRlZjE1MDFiMjY3ODk
No problem! That worked. Thanks.