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NuGetPackages_SetListed api endpoint no longer working

  • In the last few versions of ProGet, I have been unable to use the NuGetPackages_SetListed api endpoint. The below is an example call in PowerShell:

    $feed_Id = 5
    $package_Id = 'Package.Id.Hidden'
    $package_Version = ''
    $listedIndicator = 'false'
    $unlistUri = "$baseUri/api/json/NuGetPackages_SetListed?Feed_Id=$($feed_Id)&Package_Id=$($package_Id)&Version_Text=$($package_Version)&Listed_Indicator=$($listedIndicator)"
    Write-Output $unlistUri
    $r = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $unlistUri -Method Post -Headers $reqheaders -UseBasicParsing

    Running the above (with appropriate headers and access) previously unlisted or listed a package, but it no longer works. It returns a 200 with no content, which is expected, but the package remains in it's previous state. I confirmed in the web ui and the database that the package is still listed.

  • inedo-engineer

    Hi Chris,

    I do not see any issues with your powershell script, and I too am unable to unlist a package with this endpoint. We have created an issue and will be assessing it to determine what release this will go into.

    Issue: PG-1549


  • @jjones

    Thanks for the update. In the meantime, especially if this is going to be a while before a fix is introduced, is there a supported workaround? Perhaps using the stored procedure in the database?


  • inedo-engineer

    Hi Chris,

    I have a feeling what you'll need is the NuGetPackagesV2_SetListed stored procedure which requires two additional parameters, LatestVersion_Text and LatestStableVersion_Text. Currently this is set to internal and we are assessing if we can make this part of the api.


  • inedo-engineer

    Hi Chris,

    You'll need to run the NuGetPackagesV2_SetListed method instead. In order to this, you'll need to mark it as non-internal; this can be done with a simple database query...

    UPDATE [__StoredProcInfo] SET [Internal_Indicator] = 'N' WHERE [StoredProc_Name] = 'NuGetPackagesV2_SetListed'

    This will be also be updated in 5.2.10 as PG-1549.

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