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Feature Request- Server Import Improvment

  • Hello, I would like to ask that the server import be modified to do a few different things. One, I would like an option to ignore duplicate servers. If I am importing 100 servers at a time, I want the option to ignore those system and import the rest so each server I don't have to stop. Every. Time. There. Is. An. Error. Quite annoying, and an inherent problem working with web interfaces. Another option is to overwrite existing servers with an option to merge the existing server object with updated settings in your json import, as to do new bulk settings. Like if I want to add a new variable to 100 servers that are already in Otter.

    Of course, this task would be way easier with a PowerShell Otter Module :D ....

    Product: Otter
    Version: 2.2.0-beta.10

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  • Is this doable at all? I am trying to get the rest of my infrastructure added to Otter. Thanks!

  • inedo-engineer

    hi Jonathan,

    I haven't forgotten about this, but are finally clearing out our backlog,...

    1. What type of errors are you encountering?

    2. Can you be more specific about the "overwrite existing"? What are you importing, and what would you like? Currently it should be "merged" for the most part, depending on what you're wanting to merge...


  • Basically, what I am looking for is to get rid of the error where Otter complains about duplicate servers. I am looking for options to handle this, instead of just failing the error.

  • inedo-engineer

    hi Jonathan, can you help me with a test case on the duplicate server issue?

    Are you trying do an infrastructure import that has the same server name defined twice in the same JSON document?

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