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False and True as string
I need to pass the "False" string to the DSC resource, but it looks like it's being converted to Boolean.This is my code:
Ensure-DscResource ( ConfigurationKey: Name, Name: FirewallProfile, Module: NetworkingDsc, Properties: %( Name: Domain, Enabled: False ) );
And this is the error:
ERROR: Convert property 'Enabled' value from type 'BOOLEAN' to type 'STRING' failed At line:9, char:2 Buffer: Name = "Domain"; };^ insta
Is it possible to pass False or True as a string?
Product: Otter
Version: 2.2.2
Hi Adam,
Do you have the latest version of the Windows extension installed? We had a similar issue for integers that was resolved in the latest extension.
Hi Jason,
Yes, I currently have version 1.0.15 installed.Thanks,
Hi Adam,
Can you confirm if using false (lowercase) works or not. That is how the sample documentation shows a boolean. I'm also curious if it would convert a zero to false. Let me know what you find out. We may need to make a small change or at least adjust the documentation.
using false (lowercase) does not work, I get the same error as above.
For zero I get:ERROR: Convert property 'Enabled' value from type 'SINT64' to type 'STRING' failed At line:9, char:2 Buffer: Name = "Public"; };^ insta
Look at :
Add explicit cast syntax for marshalling values from OtterScript to PowerShellThis should work for you :
Here is an exemple which works for me and which similar of your pb:
Ensure-DscResource ( Name: Carbon_FirewallRule, Module: Carbon, Properties: %(Name:FWRule-MetaAnnuaire-EXP-50100,Action:Allow,Direction:In,Protocol:tcp,LocalPort:[type::string]50100,Ensure:Present,Profile:Domain) );
Hope this help
For Inedo's people who read this thread, please update your doc with the github info, so it will be easier to use this nice feature.
Thanks Philipe; all operation documentation is automatically updated within the software once the latest version of the relevant extension is installed (i.e. the Windows extension in this case). The documentation on the website will also get updated with any minor version of the software is released, or the Inedo.SDK is updated.
Hope this helps,