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Support for snupkg planned?
are there any plans (or a timeframe) for adding support for snupkg packages to ProGet?
Kind regards,
JohnProduct: ProGet
Version: 5.1.16
After thoroughly researching this, and reverse engineering the actual behavior (as opposed to the documented behavior) of the NuGet client, here is the current situation.
- A .snupkg package basically just a .symbols.nuget package, but with more strict formatting guidelines (metadata, only supports portable pdb, etc)
- If ProGet were to see such a package pushed (or manually uploaded), it would handle it in exactly the same way that it would a .symbols.nuget package; please see Symbol and Source Server Docs
- Because of ProGet's "strip symbols" feature, we recommend making combined symbol packages anyways, and not using two packages
- The NuGet client does not respect a custom source for .snupkg, so you can't use it to push such a package to anywhere except NuGet's symbol server
TLDR; ProGet supports them, but current NuGet client only pushes to NuGet.org
@Alana, the nuget client does support a custom symbols server.
See the
Can you confirm that the NuGet client bug been fixed?
At the time of that message, the
option was ignored.
Yes, we're currently using
dotnet nuget push
to push packages. We're using the "legacy"*.symbols.nupkg
format, though, to be safe.