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Proper way to use $PSEval with boolean operations?

  • I am trying to use $PSEval to do some simple boolean comparisons but I'm not having any luck. If I run a simple plan like

    set $foo = true;
    set $bar = true;
    set $foobar = $PSEval($foo -and $bar);

    then I get an execution error that I cannot assign a vector value to a scalar variable. If I change $foobar to a vector (@foobar) and print out its contents it's just an empty array. Currently I've created a powershell asset to do the operation and return the result but it is a bit verbose to write

      PSCall GLOBAL::BooleanOperation
        var1: $foo,
        var2: $bar,
        operator: and,
        returnValue => $foobar

    so I was hoping there was a more "inline" way to accomplish this.

    Product: BuildMaster
    Version: 6.1.1

  • inedo-engineer

    The problem is that OtterScript attempts to parse those variables first. Just use quotes:

    set $foo = true;
    set $bar = true;
    set $foobar = $PSEval("$foo -and $bar");
    Log-Information `$foobar = $foobar; # prints: $foobar = True

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