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Extra folder in container path

  • Hi,

    I couldn't find any info on my issue. We are pushing test Docker images to ProGet (insecure registry method at the moment) from CentOS. The command line used is 'docker push <proget_server>:80/<container_feed>/<container_name>:<tag>'. The image gets pushed. However, the path on the server is <proget_server>:80/<container_feed>/library/<container_name>:<tag>. Why is ProGet placing the image in a 'library' subfolder?


    Product: ProGet
    Version: 5.1.22

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  • inedo-engineer

    Hello Scott,

    This is done for 1-part repository names to match the behavior of Docker Hub.

    You should still be able to access the container without library/; that is, this should also work:


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